October 7, 2011 (8:57 PM)
1 min read
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In a posh, carpeted room with glass walls, Claire Aznar confidently walked in her five-inch heels. Clad in a thigh-length blue and white dress, the girl smiled at guests who ogled at her bare skin. She was 16 years old then. “Welcome! We assure you quality service and insurance,” she greeted the investors. People with sparkling
Kung magbutang mog kicker, naa ra sa sidebar. “Secondary Title” ang nakabutang. Naa sa baba sa “Discussion” na menu sa sidebar. Ayaw na basaha ang uban paragraphs kay Lorem Ipsum ra na hehehehe Morbi nisi odio, lobortis nec leo id, pellentesque tempor tortor. Etiam maximus lectus nulla, in elementum nisl pellentesque sit amet. Proin velit
In a battle of reuniting and rekindling themselves with their roots, the representatives of the seven clusters proved their aptitude in the traditional Filipino games as they assembled together at 7/F Martin Hall this afternoon for the Palarong Pinoy 2019. Palarong Pinoy has been a staple, highly anticipated event every Fiesta season. For years now,
Highlighting complex human relationships and family ties, the 24th French Film Festival was held last July 17-20, 2019 at Cinematheque Centre Davao. A roster of eight out of 15 films graced Davao’s prime venue for movie buffs. Not to mention, the said film festival has been praised worldwide for proudly brandishing some of the best
“The internet and social media paint a skewed picture of the world today. It only highlights what is good. People seem to be living the perfect life, the good life. People seem to be hiding their brokenness.” Dr. Michelle Banawan, an associate professor in the Computer Studies (CS) cluster and director of Management Information Services