Mayor Sara suspends bike registration fees

June 23, 2020 (5:20 PM)

3 min read


<p>CYCLING REGULATIONS. Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte halts bicycle registrations so citizens can still use bike lanes without fear of penalties. Photo courtesy of Geia Uy Mendoza</p>

CYCLING REGULATIONS. Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte halts bicycle registrations so citizens can still use bike lanes without fear of penalties. Photo courtesy of Geia Uy Mendoza

    Written by:

    Johanna Vaughn Dejito
    Senior News Writer


Due to inconsistencies in the provisions included in the city’s Bicycle Ordinance, Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio temporarily suspended the implementation of bicycle registration and fees.

Last June 18, Mayor Duterte-Carpio signed Executive Order No. 40 s. 2020 or “An Order Providing for the Suspension of Bicycle Registration Fees, and Allowing the Use of Bicycle Lanes in the City of Davao,” citing the contradictions between the Traffic Code of Davao and the Bicycle Ordinance as the contributing factor for the order.

“The temporary suspension of the implementation of some provisions of the two ordinances would allow Davaoeños the use of the bike lanes without fear of penalty for non-registration and etc., until the two ordinances have been harmonized,” it stated.

Among the inconsistencies raised during the Joint Committee Hearing by the Davao City Council Committees on Peace and Public Safety and Transportation and Communication last June 10, and 15 were the “different modes of bicycle registration and different rates of registration fees,” as published by the Philippine Information Agency.

“We also agreed to make some changes in the Paid Parking Ordinance, in order to allow the making of bicycle lanes in the identified areas of the city and to close down some portion of the San Pedro loop and Roxas Avenue loop on weekends for a proposed shared recreation routes,” Councilor Mabel Sunga Acosta, chair of the City Council Committee on Peace and Public Safety, said.

The suspended provisions include requirement of license, registration, attachment of license plate, penalties, bicycle user and unit registration.

The EO further states that the temporary suspension will last until the State of Public Health Emergency is lifted, or amendments will be approved, or the postponement will be lifted by the Mayor.

Bicycle ordinance

Amid the pandemic, Davao City implemented the bike routes and lanes, in accordance with the Bicycle Ordinance of Davao City passed several years ago.

“We hope the City Government of Davao continues to save a seat for cyclists in the table, for whatever necessary betterment our roads need. I’m glad they listened, and the guidelines were made from the perspective and years of experience of our local cyclists,” Alaska Ordoña, a Davaoeño cyclist, said.

The EO also emphasizes that the use of bicycle lanes does not include pedal-operated passenger tricycles for hire, and motorized transport vehicles. It also advises the pedestrians to use the sidewalks to give way for bicycle riders.

Aside from that, the EO also expresses safety standards for bicycle riders such as the wearing of helmet or headgear, using of warning lights at night, practicing appropriate number of riders, and placing of cargo in carriers in front of the handlebars or behind the seat.

“The advocacy for pushing cycle-friendly roads has a long history before me. I am so grateful to witness it come to life now, especially when using bicycles has been a big help for frontliners and people who rely so much on public transport at a time of a pandemic. Our new normal is changing, and more people are appreciating the mobility and accessibility that bicycles give them,” Ordoña added.

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