February 22, 2015 (12:54 PM)

2 min read


The 2015 College Days was capped off by the Theater Play Competition. Photo by Janine Abejay

The 2015 College Days was capped off by the Theater Play Competition. Photo by Janine Abejay

The 2015 College Days ended on a dramatic note as teams from the different divisions vied for the top prize of the Theater Play competition in the Culimination Night last Saturday.

This was the first time that a Theater Play Competition was included in the celebration of the College Days. There were a total of three performances. The divisions that presented plays were the Humanities and Letters, the School of Engineering and Architecture, and the fused School of Education and Natural Sciences and Mathematics cluster.

The Humanities and Letters division presented a play about a young writer who struggled to believe in the good in the world in spite of the harsh reality that it currently exists in.

The School of Engineering and Architecture’s presentation was about a T’boli native who enrolled in Ateneo and the bullying that he faced due to his traditions being different from the mainstream culture.

The School of Education and the Natural Sciences and Mathematics cluster presented a story of four old high school friends, now adults, visiting their former teacher on his sickbed in the hospital.

Near the end of the program, the Humanities and Letters cluster was declared the winner of the Theater Play Competition.

The results of the other College Days events were also announced in the program. The awards were presented by Theresa S. Eliab, the Office of Student Affairs director and Regel Kent Asuero, the current SAMAHAN president.

For a recap of the results of the 2015 College Days, click here.

End the silence of the gagged!

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