A former freshie’s confessions: Common rookie mistakes that every Atenean goes through
Leanna Kim Apalisoc
4 days ago

What’s your freshman cannonball moment? Entering campus with fresh new clothes, greeting the guards with “good mornings,” lining up at the seemingly long cashier to pay for your tuition and fees, getting lost in buildings, asking strangers about their programs, and spotting random crushes in the hallways—these are the little things that every freshman experiences. 

Who’s That Atenean?!: Nine Types of Ateneans during the Ateneo UFest
Alona Grace Ruyeras and Shema Kailah Sacman
11 months ago

It’s that time of the year again, deafening cheers, supportive peers, and the diverse populace we love to see and hear!  Every year, the Ateneo campus is filled with colors and loud voices for the Ateneo Fiesta. However, this year, what we once knew as the Ateneo Fiesta has rebranded into the Ateneo University Fest

“Maka inis,” “Ka-ganda,” and other things every Atenean can relate to (F2F+ Version)
Jaecian Onoh Cesar and Jerson Francisco
12 months ago

August slipped away into a moment in time. It’s quite hard to believe that it has been a month since we all went back to the campus. It’s even harder to imagine that prelims is just right around the corner. This isn’t a dream. We are sooo back in our second home, where we will

12 months ago

Tagubtob is a Binisaya term meaning “resounding” or “resonant.” This new, fresh, and light-hearted section of Atenews showcases the simple everyday moments that resonate with every Atenean. Every piece in Tagubtob takes readers through the rich and vibrant culture of the Ateneo, from chika sessions in the Gazebo to major victories in the Martin Hall,


End the silence of the gagged!

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