December 2, 2015 (3:46 PM)

3 min read


The Martinez Sports Center got even hotter as the Vipers scorched the Wolves, 93-14 in last Sunday’s Men’s Basketball Tournament. Christian Reyes led the Vipers with a whopping 17 points with Dave Sotto bringing extra heat to the court with 15 points. The Panthers made a great effort to overcome their opponent but the Vipers fought with no mercy throughout the whole game. Igue Doromal brought pride to their team with 5 points and Jerry Demolar with a fruitful 2 points.

The Tigers proved to be the stronger team against the Panthers for the second game  with the victory of 85 – 22. July Kobayashi was fearless shot after shot and brought 25 points into the game with Kenneth Villacorta showing the true meaning of teamwork with 12 points. There was no space for weakness as the Tigers showed true determination and dominated the whole game. Paul Quiohilag did not go down without a fight with 6 points and Calvin Divinagracia with a handful of 5 points.

For the last game It was a successful victory for the Dragons against the Falcons, 63-28. It was a tight game during the first quarter as the two teams battled shot after shot. During the Second quarter, things started getting hot as the other players were pushing their opponents off the court. A few minutes before the 3rd quarter ended, crowds stood up to see Raphael So cringing in pain due to cramps. Leo Lasola and Ansare Unos of the SS dragons rose to new heights with each shot bringing a total of 8 points each with Rey Llanos coming strong with 7 points. Ferrnan Bantiding led the Falcons with a proud 20 points with Raphael So with a proud 5 points.

Box scores:

Vipers vs. Wolves

Business and Management Vipers
Reyes – 17 Sotto – 15 Ngo – 7 Corrales – 7 Sevilla – 7 Tac – On -7 Fulguerinas – 6 Ali – 5 Kato – 5  Hiso – 4 Revote – 4 Mundal – 2 Gonzales – 2 Del Fierro – 2 Alegre – 0

Humanities and Letters Wolves
Doromal – 5 Demolar – 2  Geralde – 2 Abella – 2 Unabia – 1  Ugdang – 0 Nur – 0 Dillera – 0 Gaspan – 0 Belen – 0 Chu – 0 Razon – 0 Luman-ag – 0 Amoguez – 0

Panthers vs. Tigers

School of Engineering and Architecture Tigers
Manacap – 0 Villacorta – 12 Torculas – 4 Jolampong – 3 Santos – 10 Amora – 4 Baric – 4 Vidanes – 10 Sujatmiko – 0 Kobayashi – 25 Pasaylo – 6 Solon – 5 San Miguel – 0 Geocaniga  – 0 Barug – 2

School of Nursing Panthers
Aguilo – 2 Onandia – 1 Quiohilag – 6 Silva – 0 Cababug – 0 Samanddi – 0 Agawin – 0 Cabalan – 0 Lim – 0 Divinagracia – 5 Samunde – 2 Camarao – 5

Dragons vs Falcons

Social Sciences Dragons
Avena – 4 Balug – 6 Canos- 0 Chong – 5 Cobarrubias – 2 Daryanani – 2 Espina – 4 Evangelista – 6 Go – 4 Lasola – 8 Llanos – 7 Nayal – 3 Sudan – 2 Unos – 8 Zapanta – 0

Natural Sciences and Mathematics Falcons
Bantiding – 20 So – 5 Lucero – 0 Leandes – 0 Ibero – 0 Ungson – 0 Sanchez – 0

End the silence of the gagged!

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