December 8, 2014 (12:39 PM)

2 min read


College life is the beginning of real life. We acknowledge that our achievements in high school seemingly don’t matter anymore. We understand that diligence is more significant than intelligence. We realize that above all else, we need to be strong.

The littlest details will matter. We meet students claiming why their course is better than ours. We notice teachers who do best, and those who do less. We get praised. We get insulted. We feel both appreciated and degraded in college.

We tend to forget a lot in our pursuit of studying for a career. However, as they say, quality is indeed, more than quantity. It is not the amount of time you spend in the institution. It is what you do in that given time. How much do you live up to that small chart on the board, “Ateneans.. be honest!”? How often do you give yourself credit that it is not your grades that define you, but how you got them?

Do not bite into everything everyone is giving a fuss about. Society will not benefit from a politician who graduated Cum Laude because of that person’s wits. We have smart people, yes, but we don’t have many conscientious ones.

College’s demands may blur your vision of your future self from seeing this, but it’s not going to be what your work is, but how good you do it. It’s not going to be how much you earn, but how much you deserve the pay.

Many spend time in shallow waters when they can go farther, in the depths, and see what lies more than what meets the majority’s eyes. They deprive themselves to explore wonders and learn more of what authentically matters.

Here is something to ponder on: Life’s days will be much more fruitful if we don’t fall for the trap of the surface’s empty ease.

About Katrina Kate Dianne Punay - punay

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