September 9, 2013 (10:05 AM)

2 min read



As men and women for others, student volunteers manifested the Ignatian value during the Children’s Hour held last September 9 at the Thibault Hall.

“We were able to reach out not only within our school, but also outside the school,” said Shimi Fortuna, the SAMAHAN Welfare Unit Head.

53 street children who came from different barangays were invited to enjoy the activities prepared.

Kurt the Clown put the audience in awe as they witnessed his magic tricks. The children and their Ate and Kuya volunteers actively participated in the games such as Trip to Jerusalem, Bring Me, and Paramihan ng Gamit.
“Nalingaw ko kay ilaha ming gilingaw. Ganahan ko aning programa ni. Pero unta naay rap2x o naay sayaw2x (I enjoyed because they entertained us. I like this kind of program. But I hope that there will be rap or dance performances),” said 15-year-old James Alcala, a participant.

Each of the children received a bag which consisted of school supplies and food.
Candidates from the Ms. Gay University, a beauty pageant with a cause, also volunteered in the event.
“It makes me proud because I’ve been part of the children’s lives even just for a couple of hours. Being part of this activity makes me happy,” said Oliver Porras, a 2nd year Ms. Gay University candidate.

“I was expecting that there will be a lot of kids. Nakaka-overwhelm din na a lot of volunteers are here today just to take part in this activity,” said Mariz Karen Yodong, a 4th year International Studies student volunteer.
The children ate their lunch with smiles on their faces as the program came to an end.

Photos by: Necta Casiple


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