August 26, 2016 (8:00 AM)

2 min read


Participants and speakers during the event. Photo by Hannah Lou Balladares

Participants and speakers during the event. Photo by Hannah Lou Balladares

Participants and speakers during the event. Photo by Hannah Lou Balladares

Youth leaders gathered at the American Corner of the Ateneo de Davao University last Aug. 24 to enhance their knowledge in volunteering and triggering social change at school and in the community through the US Embassy Talks.

With the theme, “Youth Leaders Making a Difference in School & Community,” speakers from the US Embassy in Manila guided the students in the discussions. Assistant Cultural Affairs Officer Elizabeth Liu touched on volunteerism and Thomas Jefferson Information Center (TJIC) Deputy Director Princess Grace Wooden led the leadership forum which had the theme: “Walk the Talk”. Wooden’s forum also included a video conference with Ray Barrett, a US Embassy Public Affairs intern.

In between the talks, opportunities were given to the students to process what they learned and share their experiences as leaders. Activities were also conducted to further fortify the lessons and foster bonds among the participants.

The US Embassy Talks are conversations with the US Embassy officers which touch on various topics like volunteerism, leadership, and US elections.

Wooden highlighted that the talks aim to empower the Filipino youth in answering the call to lead.

“We strongly believe in the capability of the youth, that they can really bring something to the community and to the country itself, that they have something to contribute [to Philippine society],” she said.

Accountancy student Hyannah Sardoma shared her insights about the talks.

“It’s helpful in a way that it teaches you that you can be a leader in your own way and you can extend your help to the community. It’s also helpful because it [introduced me to] various opportunities to become a leader, like the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI),” she said.

The event is a collaboration between the Ateneo de Davao University, the Thomas Jefferson Information Center (TJIC) of US Embassy-Manila, American Spaces Philippines, and the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI).

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