November 19, 2013 (4:08 AM)

1 min read


The nine divisions and faculty members filled the Martinez Sports Complex in AdDU Matina Campus with excitement and loud cheers as Palarong Atenista 2013 officially opened last November 16, 2013.

The students showed their support to their respective colors and athletes as each division will soon have face-offs in the upcoming games.

University Athletics Head Noli Ayo gave his welcoming remarks first to the athletes and the students after offering a moment of silence for the victims of super typhoon “Yolanda”.

“Being an athlete doesn’t mean that we only play our games well but we need to have that sportsmanship and heart not only to the game but to our co-players as well, ” Ayo expressed.

His welcoming addressed was followed by a second wave of loud roars from the crowd when the parade and torch lighting of each division happened, which gave the “go” signal to the start of the competition.

Game schedules for Palarong Atenista 2013 are already posted around the university.

End the silence of the gagged!

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