September 8, 2016 (12:22 PM)

2 min read



Theatrical artists from Lanao del Norte perform during the Theology Days at Finster Auditorium. Photo by Charlotte Billy Sabanal

Culminating this year’s Theology Days, an amateur theater group from Lanao del Norte featured “Laudato Si’: A Musical Play” at the Finster Auditorium last Sept. 7.

The play brought the concept of Laudato Si’ in the context of the Philippines and allowed reflection among the audience in between scenes.

Bernardo Buela, a Theology faculty, expresses his appreciation of the relevance of the play.

“[The play was] very creative and they came “just in time”. I mean, they were very relevant with what was going on and they were able to show a very moving musical presentation that invokes good reflection, well, actually very critical reflection,” he shared.

Theology students were also moved and entertained by the play including Dennis Estinoza, a third year student.

“Magaling silang kumanta and marami kang makuha na learnings sa kanila,” he said.

Theology Days is a two-day event that included several activities such as the film viewing (On the New Evangelization), talks on the new evangelization in line with the youth, social media and family, and a feature presentation of the musical play on Laudato Si’.

With the theme, “New Evangelization and the Current Social Challenges”, Theology Days was held in order to present to the students the modernity of evangelization and the need for reflection on social happenings.

End the silence of the gagged!

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