January 31, 2021 (8:55 PM)

3 min read


INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. Founder and CEO of Ingenuity Software, Inc. Engr. John Naranjo emphasizes the importance of aligning one’s passion to developing the community during AdDU’s University Lecture via Zoom and FB Live, January 29.

Providing an insider’s view into the challenges and possibilities of 4IR for Mindanaoans during the COVID-19 pandemic, Engr. John Naranjo, Founder and CEO of Ingenuity Software, Inc.advised students to utilize technological resources for learning to help Mindanao embrace the new industrial shift. 

In the 2021 University Lecture titled ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): Are We Ready for It?’ Naranjo said that “one way to help us prepare for the 4IR is when you immerse in the academe, such as taking online courses instead of wasting time playing video games.” 

According to Naranjo, technology and the internet are equalizers that could enhance the community’s status. 

“With our accessibility with technology and the internet, although poor, properly using them for education is a big step towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” he explained. 

Moreover, he emphasized the importance of aligning one’s passion to developing the community.

Is Mindanao 4IR ready?

“No. At least, not yet,” said the guest speaker. 

The alumnus clarified that the World Economic Forum’s 2018 Readiness for the Future of Production Report classifies the Philippines as a “legacy country,” meaning production capacity is currently strong. 

“Given the state of our economy and population, we are at risk of future shock due to our poor and institutional framework, human capital, and innovation,” said Naranjo. 

The said revolution could increase opportunities for all Filipinos or widen existing socio-economic inequalities. 

“Some experts are also fearful of robots replacing millions of human workers while further concentrating wealth in the hands of a few,” he added. 

4IR Preparation

Engr. Naranjo stated that the government should be flexible enough to handle the changes that the Fourth Industrial Revolution will bring. 

“Researchers from the Philippine Institute for Development Studies recommend that our government should be more open to international trade and competition, increased investment in research and development (R&D), and creating effective labor market policies,” he elaborated.

Additionally, the government should also raise well-educated Filipinos with a strong STEM background in response to the in-demand careers during the 4IR.

According to him, with technology changing fast every day, there is a need to catch up. 

“Our education and training systems need to adapt to better prepare people for the flexibility and critical thinking skills they will need in the future workspaces,” he ended. 

Local government officials, faculty and teaching staff, and student representatives list among the 270 participants of this fourth and last University lecture of AdDU for the academic year, 2020-2021. 


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