September 28, 2015 (12:25 PM)

1 min read


The second year International Studies students organized a tribal-themed exhibit to commemorate the Philippine Foreign Relations (PFR) week. The exhibit was displayed at the Thibault grounds and was in place from Sept. 21-28.

Akeem Jade Fabila, an International Studies professor from the Social Sciences department, said that the theme of the exhibit focuses on the marginalized sector.

“The PFR week is an annual activity that highlights various issues that concerns the Philippine foreign policy and foreign relations. This year’s theme highlights the voices of the marginalized, the neglected and unheard people and communities in Southeast Asia. Thus, the theme this year is “Voices in the margins”,” he said.

The exhibit presented photos and information about the various pressing social and humanitarian issues all across the Southeast Asian region.

Some of the said issues include the Rohingyan refugee crisis, the West Papua conflict, the undocumented children in Sabah, and the displacement of the Lumad people in Mindanao.

According to the exhibit’s introductory sign, it is due to the ASEAN’s policy of non-interference that humanitarian responses from other countries in the region to these issues have been delayed.

End the silence of the gagged!

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