July 13, 2013 (3:57 PM)

3 min read



Ateneo had their Internet Awareness Forum entitled “Speak Up”, which was organized by SAMAHAN.

Topics of the forum ranged from responsible Internet usage, social media, safety in the Internet, Cyber Crime Act, ADDU Confessions and the Crowdsourcing Bill of 2012 – the bill that allowed participation of the people and transparency of the legislation process.

Among the speakers was Perry Paul Lamanilao for Internet awareness. There were also three students, namely, Jefford Mamacus, Emmanuel Joseph Sumatra, and Patrick John Comoda.

Students have participated actively in the said forum, addressing their issues and concerns regarding the Internet, Cyber Crime Act, social networking and the Crowdsourcing Bill.

“The confessions are okay if it aspires change,” said Perry Paul Lamanilao as he answered a point raised regarding ADDU Confessions.

Wacky, the Technical Assistant to the President for Communications clarified something about Cyber Crime Act of 2012.

“The Cyber Crime Act of 2012 remains to be something on paper. It cannot be implemented. No one can be held liable in relation to that law yet,” he added.

Following Lamanilao’s talk on Crowdsourcing Bill, the three student speakers were asked about the prioritization on speed or transparency in the bill, the accessibility of people who cannot afford Internet and the accountability of the legislators to the people for their votes on certain bills. In return, they presented their different perspectives on the said bill.

For the accountability of the candidates for their votes on certain bills, speaker Emmanuel John Sumatra mentioned that as long as “his intention is pure” people would still vote for them in the coming elections.

“With regards to accountability, as long as your intention is pure, people will still vote for you in the upcoming elections. The question is, ‘how will this law affect the candidates?’ We could say that there are many uneducated voters here in the Philippines. That is why the candidates are affected,” he said.

“We should remember that as a good leader, there is no need for position or what. As long as your intention is pure, that you are serving the people and the common good, you won’t mind the ones that would pull you down,” Sumatra added.

The talk that was also attended by students of UIC and USEP concluded with the statement of TJ Guingona.

“If we let the people be part of the legislation, we are not just creating better laws, we are creating better people,” he said.

The forum was held at the Finster Auditorium on June 12, 2013, 3:40 pm.

End the silence of the gagged!

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