October 12, 2024 (7:32 PM)

3 min read


Graphics by Wendyl Geronimo

Two Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU) Social Work graduates topped the recent September 2024 Licensure Examinations for Social Workers (LESW), securing the 5th and 7th places.

Out of 4,587 passers, Raphaelle Amoroso placed 5th with a rating of 86.20%, whereas Nicole Guenn Dequiña placed 7th with 85.80% rating.

In an interview with Atenews, Amoroso and Dequiña shared that social work taught them to ignite changes in the community by empowering communities and challenging systemic injustices. 

“I’ve come to understand how important it is to serve those who are marginalized and oppressed and to be an advocate for change. What really drew me in is the focus on empowering people whether it’s individuals, families, or whole communities, and helping them find the strength and resources to improve their situations,” Amoroso said. 

“With the growing challenges people face just like problems with mental health, poverty, and systemic inequalities, social workers play a vital role in providing support, resources, and a voice for those who are marginalized,” Amoroso added.

Dequiña shared the significance of her encounters in the field and how the profession is grounded in the principles of empowerment, advocacy, and facilitating personal growth.

“In today’s society, social workers are more than just advocates, we are the heartbeat of change — using our unique positions to challenge systemic injustices and empower individuals from all walks of life: leading the charge in dismantling systemic inequalities, driving societal transformation, and redefining what it means to care.”

“Each encounter has reinforced my belief that every individual has the potential for growth, and my role is to facilitate that journey. I’m all about blending empathy with action, using every interaction as a chance to uplift and empower others,” Dequiña added.

Meanwhile, Amoroso expressed that placing 5th is both an honor and a blessing that could not have been reached without the support from the most significant people in her life. 

“This achievement is not mine alone; it reflects the competence of the Social Work Department at Ateneo, which shapes each one of us to be effective and compassionate social workers for Mindanao and the entire country.”

Dequiña conveyed how rewarding it was to place in the top 7 among thousands of other examinees. 

“It’s not just about the achievement itself but also the recognition that comes with it — it feels amazing to know that I’ve set myself apart, validating all the efforts I put into my studies, giving me a huge sense of fulfillment,” Dequiña shared.

Dequiña also revealed that she encountered various issues upon taking up social work and preparing for the boards such as coping with emotional strain, navigating uncertainty, and overcoming self-doubt.

“These very challenges/struggles that threatened to hold me back became catalysts for my resilience — ultimately, it was this combination of support, embracing the lessons in uncertainty, and challenging my self-perceptions that empowered me to navigate my journey with purpose,” Dequina stated.

The Ateneo de Davao University was also among the top-performing schools with 10 to 50 examinees, placing 5th with a 94.74% passing rate.

The LESW was held on September 16-18, with the results released on September 23. 

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