September 11, 2015 (4:35 AM)

2 min read


Photo by Alexis Matthew Reyes

Photo by Alexis Matthew Reyes

“It is God who brings true joy.”

This was what University President Fr. Joel Tabora, S.J. said during the 2nd part of the Ignatian Conversations for the school year last Sept. 9 at the Finster Auditorium.

The theme of this year’s Ignatian Conversations is “Appropriating Discernment in the implementation of the Vision and Mission of Ateneo de Davao University”.

According to Tabora, the purpose of the second part was to find God’s will through discernment of spirits.

At the start of the discussion, Tabora first recalled the previous installment of the conversation and talked about Ignatian Spirituality and how it is a favored option by Jesuit schools. He also tackled about the spiritual exercises of Ignatius.

“Ignatian Spirituality and Ignatian discernment is about finding God’s will for us,” Tabora said during his speech.

“If we really understand the value of God’s will, we really understand that the ultimate being is God,” he added.

He then presented the rules for the second week which was about consolation and desolation in recognizing the presence of God in all things.

The event was participated by the university faculty and staff from all levels and several students.

End the silence of the gagged!

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