March 21, 2012 (4:27 AM)

1 min read


I was on the screen
And my mind ran
Fast, the moving
Objects from the
Light made reflection
on my eyes. Pixilated
in the outside but a
High-def camera
playing inside.
I was on the screen
and it called my
knees to shake
slowly, the voices
coming out from the
speakers swift
like how the pixilated
reflection turned quick.
I was on the screen
And it pull my hands
Gently, the sounds
And a reflection was made.
I was on the screen
And I know the cycle,
Figured out what
Is next, forget the blurriness.
I was on the screen
And my nose
Has smelled what it was.
I was with everything,
The light, the reflection,
The sound, the hasty movements
Of my mind, of my knees,
Of my hands.
I was on the screen.
On that screen.

– Breakingfree

End the silence of the gagged!

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