July 27, 2014 (10:42 AM)

3 min read


By: Yves Angelo Espino, First Year Representative SoN

The Ateneo de Davao University’s School of Nursing held their Division Orientation last June 20, 2014, Friday at J301 with the Hunger Games-inspired theme “In Fulfilling the Duties in Nursing, May the Odds Be Ever in Our Favor.”

Students wore a variety of costumes depending on their chosen District. The freshmen represented District Eight, Textiles; the sophomores chose District Twelve, Coal; District Nine, Grain, was chosen by the Juniors and the tough Seniors used armor and weapons to represent District Two, Masonry.

The program started with each year level shouting their respective cheers. Adding up the intensity was the Dancing Panthers who performed an amazing routine, together with songstresses Melba Gabuya and Jenny Lozano. Joining the program are Dr. Patria Manalaysay, Dean; Ms. Liza Floresca, Academic Coordinator; Ms. Magnolia Jadulang, RLE Coordinator; all Clinical Intructors of SoN; Mr. Regel Asuero, President of SAMAHAN and Ms. Joan Odi, former nursing representative.

The “Mr. and Ms. Capitol” proved to be the highlight of the orientation. Each year level chose two models, boy and girl to represent their District just like in the Capitol of the Hunger Games Trilogy, and showed off on the runway. Each year level presented a class dance as well which contained four to five members.

Results of the Mr. and Ms. Capitol are the following: 3rd Runner Up – Ronn Ang (4A) and Fritzie Nomus (3A), 2nd Runner Up – Earl Dayanghirang (3A) and Gabrielle Galo (4A), 1st Runner Up – Cooby Gempesaw and Elvi Chavez (2A) and Mr. and Ms. Capitol – Kalvin Divinagracia and Reena Mercado (N1). Individual and Class Awards were also given to the following: Most Photogenic – Gabrielle Galo and Earl Dayanghirang and Most Outstanding Class – 4A.

Ms. Magnolia Jadulang, RLE Coordinator, presented the subjects that will be taken by each year level and oriented the freshmen about nursing duties. The Dean Listers of the School of Nursing were also presented.

The Philippine Nursing Students’ Association also presented a play about what nurses should be and how nurses should work. The different nursing uniforms were also presented by the models of aforementioned pageant.

The event ended with each class taking a class pictorial with the CIs and guests. Thanks to the orientation, the nursing students realized that no matter the struggles and challenges they have to face, in the end, they will be able to help others and save lives.

End the silence of the gagged!

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