June 30, 2013 (2:22 PM)

2 min read



State-of-the-art technology.

These words summed up the presentations given during the seminar on the latest technology and trends by Intel Microelectronics Philippines, Inc. and Samsung Electronics last June 24.

With the theme, “I.T.’s Back to School Road Show 2013”, the said event handed gigabytes of information to the technophile students of Ateneo de Davao University.

Mr. Joseph M. de Leon, regional training officer for IT of Samsung Electronics, and Mr. Mark Anthony Co Cuevas, retail training manager of Intel Microelectronics Philippines Inc., were the speakers of the event.

The speakers went interactive with the students during the discussion. They showed presentations that not only wowed but also educated the students.

“I was interested about this symposium. I’m a computer engineering student and I’m interested to learn more about hardwares and electronics. Honestly, I learned a lot from the symposium since I’m not that computer literate,” expressed Yury Jane Oshima, a third year computer engineering student when asked about her thoughts regarding the said event.

Initiated by PCWORKX, both Intel and Samsung presented new technological innovations present in the market that are effective and efficient in responding to the needs of a 21st-century student.

End the silence of the gagged!

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