July 25, 2018 (10:13 AM)

2 min read


A FORUM ON SUSTAINABILITY. Renewable energy proprietors and the Ateneo community gathered for the 5th National Panel of Technical Experts’ Forum yesterday, July 24, held at Xavier Hall of the Ateneo de Davao University. Photo by Maxine Lumbera

To counter the threat of climate change to the Philippines’ national security, experts from around the country held a forum presenting Renewable Energy (RE) as a solution to reduce the use of coals and fossil fuels.

The event was called 5th National Panel of Technical Experts’ Forum: “Renewable Energy and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation for Sustainable Development” and was held at the 8th floor Community Center of Ateneo de Davao University last July 24.

One of the participants was Vice Chairperson and Executive Director of the Climate Change Commission Secretary Emmanuel M. De Guzman.

According to him, the RE system is a combination of technical, economic, social, and political factors.

“It that would not just allow the country to meet its nationally determined contributions, but also to reduce carbon emission and ensure that energy infrastructure is sustainable to service and benefit at the household level,” Secretary De Guzman said.

To mitigate climate change, Sustainability Officer of the Find Philippines Holdings Ms. Agnes de Jesus offered strategies.

These include RE Development or decarbonization and the nurturing of forests or carbon storage.

“We have planted, for the past ten years, in 9,000 hectares, 6.3 million seedlings,” she said.

Ms. De Jesus also stated that they organized 117 farmer associates and rescued 96 threatened species along the process.

“We cannot protect only a portion of the forest. We have to protect the whole ecosystem,” she expressed.

The forum was also graced by Mr. James Buskowitz , Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Buskowitz Energy, who explained how his company has started putting up solar panels on the rooftops of schools around the Philippines such as Jose Maria College and University of Zamboanga.

“It’s a long process, but as with many things, I believe it starts with education,” he said.

In line with education, the AdDU Dean of the School of Engineering and Architecture Dr. Randell Espina shared solutions for the techno-economic problems of Mindanao.

These solutions include establishing the AdDU Center for Renewable Energy and Appropriate Technologies (CREATE) and the DOST Mindanao Energy R&D Center (MREC).

Another is developing expertise by offering Short-Term and Graduate Programs on RE.


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