September 13, 2014 (2:09 PM)

1 min read


Yesterday, September 12, the Philippine Press Institute (PPI) together with the local media outlets organized a forum at The Royal Mandaya Hotel to address the concern on health issues under-reported in the Philippines.

The Philippine Association for the study of Overweight and Obesity President Dr. Gabriel Jasul had a talk on Balanced Diet and Lifestyle. City Health Office (CHO) Information officer Dr. Diviene Hilario also gave an update on the present local health situation and health services in Davao city.

The forum became a good opportunity for all members of the media to become more aware in the different issues concerning health.

“Journalists should report health news, and must know how health reporting plays a big role in newspaper management,” stated PPI Executive Director Ariel Sebellino.

Members of the local media, including Stella Estremera and Yas Ocampo, shared tips in writing health news.

“Know what you’re talking about. Kung walang alam, magtanong,” Estremera said.

Vincent Rell Gonzaga, a Mass Communications student, shared, “Reporting health issues is not just an ordinary story. As a media person, we must be critical in writing, yet still make it informative for the readers.”

End the silence of the gagged!

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