March 3, 2016 (12:19 PM)

3 min read


Around 220 students and teachers from different schools attended the fourth Philosophers’ Rally, which was held by the Philosophy department last Feb. 27 at the Finster Auditorium, with the theme, “Belief in a Secular World”.

Coming from Ateneo de Manila University, the keynote speaker of this year’s Philosophers’ Rally, Dr. Jesus Deogracias Principe, discussed about the challenge of having philosophical inquiries and how to help one’s self out from personal struggles. Principe highlighted the benefits of reading the right materials and listening to others.

“First, learn by reading, which is also enjoyable if you are given the right novel to read. And number two, learn by listening. And by listening, perhaps we have to listen to others who don’t share the religious tradition that we belong to.

“In fact, maybe the more we listen to what others have to say, the more we, ourselves, will be enlightened that maybe, just maybe, we will find some kind of resolution to our personal struggle,” said Principe.

The talk was then followed by concurrent sessions presenting philosophical papers from the Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU) students and contributors:

Le Grande Dolino

The Concept of Morality from Adam’s Modified Divine Command Theory

 Erik John Reyes

Praying to a French God: An Introductory Explication on Contemporary Inquiries on God and Religion

 Gian Karlo Sam

Otto, Smith and Aquinas on Religious Experience

 Shane Carlos and Elmer Caponhag

Waging the Wager

 Camille Siaotong

What is a Religious Experience?

Dexter Alonday and Venus Derla

Test of the Gamemaster

 Jose Martin Castrillo

Nonbelief in Nonbelief: The God everywhere but among us

 Sean A?o and Bencen Paque

Buy Your Heaven with my Suffering

 Rikk Nalzaro and Febelyn Lastimosa


 Kirby Salvador

Dimishing Faith in the Philippines

 Katrina Kate Dianne Punay

Religion and Humanity

 Alhessy Ng

A look at Questions of Morality through Science

 Venice Dafielmoto

True Knowledge: Synthesis of Assumption and Evaluation

 The philosophical papers are to be published in Lawig, the literary-philosophical publication of Philosophy department.

The Philosophers’ Rally is an annual event organized by the Philosophy department. It is a ‘celebration of ideas, bringing together all those who freely and joyfully taken on the task of serious philosophical thinking’.

When asked about the significance of the event, Rondale Pancho, a part-time faculty member of Assumpton College of Davao says, “It was both a challenge to continue to pursue what is necessary, especially in the context of what is being talked about sa ating theme ngayon—religious experiences, about God, belief and disbelief.”

“I was happy earlier. I felt that the audience was receptive to what I had to say,” Principe noted.

End the silence of the gagged!

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