August 14, 2019 (12:54 PM)

2 min read


PERSISTENCE. ACC Griffins grab championship title from B&M Vipers in Women’s Basketball. Photo by Gloria Andrea Mendoza

The Accountancy (ACC) Griffins avoided another heartbreak run by stomping the Business and Management (B&M) Vipers 47-24. The Griffin-led crowd went alive as the women in yellow took the crown yesterday at 4/F of the Martin Hall.

The Griffins took care of business early, getting ahead by a wide margin at the end of the first half despite multiple turnovers from sloppy plays.

The second half featured a more systemized game as the Griffins showcased a more strategic course of gameplay, erasing any trace of a lapse in their performance from the previous set. The ball rarely found rest from continuously getting thrown over as both teams tried their hardest with every shot, dribble, and pass.

Set on keeping the throne to themselves, the Lady Griffins did not lose focus of what they wanted, despite the interference of the Lady Vipers. The second half goes to the team clad in yellow, much to the dismay of their opponent. The game ended at 47-24, in favor of the Griffins.

Despite the bearing question of who brought the team to victory, the Griffins remained unrelenting with their principle, saying that the win was a collective effort of every member from the lineup. They emphasized that no such victory would’ve happened without every bit of energy from them individually.

The Griffins were hailed the first runner-up last Palarong Atenista 2018, with the women’s basketball team of SEA bagging the title. They were elated to finally get the crown after having missed the opportunity by only a slight margin last Fiesta 2018.

End the silence of the gagged!

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