September 17, 2016 (10:36 AM)

2 min read


General Assistant to the University President Jeremy Eliab awards one of the Most Outstanding Students of of the university for the school year 2015-2016. Photo by Charlotte Billy Sabanal

General Assistant to the University President Jeremy Eliab awards one of the Most Outstanding Students of of the university for the school year 2015-2016. Photo by Charlotte Billy Sabanal

General Assistant to the University President Jeremy Eliab awards one of the Highest QPI awardees for the school year 2015-2016. Photo by Charlotte Billy Sabanal

Ateneo de Davao University recognized its outstanding students and achievers as it celebrated GAWAD: Gabi ng Parangal, a convocation of excellence and awarding ceremony yesterday, Sept. 16 at the Finster auditorium.

University students from the different levels and disciplines who qualified for the School Year 2015-2016 Dean’s List and President’s List were given certificates of recognition during the event. 524 Dean’s Listers and 215 President’s Listers constituted the annual list of student achievers.

Awards were also distributed to those students with the highest annual Quality Point Index among their year-level. Most Outstanding Student Awards, in the form of medals, were given to those with not just commendable academic performance but also spiritual growth and social involvement.

For the first year level, Mina Michaela Limbaga of AB Mass Communication was declared as the most outstanding student. On the other hand, BS Accountancy student Nina Patricia Cesar prevailed among the other second year outstanding students. Melzar Galicia Jr and Dexter Jake Villarosa were announced as the Most Outstanding Student Awardee for the third year and fourth year level respectively.

In behalf of the university President, the Academic Vice-president Gina Montalan emphasized the value of academic excellence in a Jesuit education. Montalan encouraged the students to become effective agents to influence the society towards the common good.

“Do not brag about your achievements. Instead, use it to inspire others and continue to aspire for excellence,” she added.

Business Management student and Most Outstanding Third Year Student for 2015-2016, Melzar Galicia Jr, shared his insights regarding his achievement and how others can also strive for success.

“Being the most outstanding student means that you have to balance everything, both your extra-curricular activities and academics. So I say that it’s okay to look for something that you do in your past time, either mag-DOTA ba ka or mag-gym or anything para makapawala sa stress nimo. Basta ayaw lang jud kalimte mag-study,” Galicia said.

End the silence of the gagged!

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