Read more about the newly opened facility and the students’ comments and complaints about it in the upcoming tabloid release.
Update 11/11/2015: According to the official twitter account of CCFC, the parking fees are suspended. The parking policies shall still stand however. This issue and temporary solution were raised and developed in the parking facility dialogue held at the Pakighinabi room earlier with Samahan, the CCFC officials, and Fr. Tabora himself.
Last October 26, 2015, the Office of the Community Center of the First Companions Operations released a memorandum declaring the Martin Hall Parking Facility, located at the 2nd and 3rd floors of Martin Hall, open for registration and application. This is excellent news for student drivers who have long been expecting to be able to use the facility.
The university faculty and staff who want to avail the facility, after agreeing to pay a determined parking fee, will be awarded the slots through a random raffle. For the students who would like to avail the facility, a set of procedures must be accomplished and a couple documents must be secured. A fixed registration fee is also needed to be complied with.
First, all interested students must secure their current semester’s registration or schedule, their driver’s license, LTO Registration No. and LTO Receipt No. before moving on with the succeeding steps. The form specifically says that the original versions of these documents must be brought. This preparatory step saves the students from all the hassle of going back and forth the office to bring the documents.
Second, for the application proper, the students must go to the Office of the Community Center of the First Companions Operations and take hold of an application form. The office is located at the AdDU Community Center’s 9th floor. The Community Center can be accessed through its entrance at Roxas Avenue or through the bridge in Finster Hall’s 5th floor.
Students are highly encouraged to read and understand the facility’s guidelines printed at the back of the form.
Third, in the application form, the students need to input their personal details, their License No. and expiry date, the vehicle’s owner, plate number, make, model and color, and their LTO registration and receipt no. The students must also attach the aforementioned documents earlier to the form and sign the latter. Needless to say, before signing, students are encouraged to review the pledges they are about to conform to. These are printed in the form as well.
Fourth, after filling up the form and attaching the required documents, the students must pass the form back to the secretary in the aforementioned office.
Fifth, the secretary will check the documents and the form, and then stamp the form “received” if everything is as required.
Sixth, the students will be asked to pay the registration fee at the Finance Office and go back to the office on November 13, Friday (date subject to change).
Seventh, the students must pay the registration fee of Php 100 at the Finance Office. This must be done before the aforementioned date.
Eighth, on November 13, the students must come back to the same office and pass both the official receipt of the registration fee payment and the cleared application form from earlier.
Ninth, after checking the receipt and the form, the office will gives out the car stickers to be attached on the windshields of the registered vehicles.
The Assistant of the President Ms. Suzanne Doromal however would like to inform the university community that this arrangement on the use of the Martin Hall Parking Facility is only tentative, and is only implemented to make use of the facility as soon as it is available. A better arrangement will be suggested in the future.
The current setup on the use of the facility would certainly not appeal to all students who drive. The controversial parking fee of Php 25 for the first two hours and Php 10 for every succeeding hour raised an uproar among the student drivers.
According to them, they still prefer the parking spots around the campus because they don’t have to shell out any cash, generally. In addition, the latter can be accessed with lesser hassle. Much dissent of the heavy parking fees even prompted SAMAHAN to raise the issue and gather complaints.
However, a secured parking spot can also be a blessing for special cases. It will be better to shell out a few tens than miss a long quiz or a make-or-break exam just because of having to waste time driving around the campus to find an available parking spot.
An early and complete registration is then recommended because it secures the student a slot out of the limited slots available. The student drivers can actually even opt not to use the facility all the time. They can just reserve their slots for when they would need it.
For a registration fee of Php 100 then, the student drivers can save themselves from the even more expensive costs of debarred first periods, having to take the latter up again next semester.