September 8, 2013 (10:40 AM)

2 min read


Early this morning, People’s park was flooded with multi-colored banners and flags. Ateneans from different clusters wore their College Fiesta shirts as they marched from People’s Park, then to Ponciano Street, then to Claveria Street, and then finally passing through Jacinto Street into the University. The parade started roughly at 7:40am and ended at 8:10am.

The green Natural Sciences and Mathematics division started the parade. They were followed by the violet Computer Studies. Coming in third was the pink Social Sciences cluster. Next up was the red Humanities and Letters. Fifth was the aqua School of Education. They were followed by the orange School of Engineering and Architecture. Next up was the blue Business and Management division. Eight was the white School of Nursing. Coming in last but not the least was the yellow Accountancy division.

On the way, loud cheers and chants could be heard. Balloons were fluttering to the sky. Well-costumed front liners proudly presented long glittering banners. The usual balloons, confetti, face paint and headgears were also abundant. Some clusters used umbrellas as props and some wore lavish glittering costumes. Fairies, fishes, bees, each creature was present.

After the parade, all the students were asked to gather around the Roxas Grounds for the Eucharistic Celebration.

Photos by: Necta Casiple


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