January 22, 2018 (1:41 PM)

2 min read


Ms. Balajadia clarified common issues and topics regarding SOGIE during the discussion. Photo by Jay Nasser

Diverse set of students engaged in an in-depth discourse on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
and Expression, commonly known as SOGIE. Ms. Hadji Balajadia was invited as the key speaker
of the discourse which was held at 8th floor Community Center during the activity period last
January 19.

“LGBT Psychology is a new movement and also a very new discipline, very few people would
specialize into this, especially the ones who are straight, Balajadia construed.

The bottom line of the discourse illuminated on the SOGIE through the lens of LGBT Psychology.
Balajadia in her talk, addressed and clarified the common misconceptions towards the LGBT.

“These concepts, assigned sex at birth, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation
are not necessarily interlinked,” She clarified.

During the discourse, she mentioned the society’s engendering even at conception
and the technicalities of gender complexity.

“Gender is processual and would appear across lifetime,” She said.
She also explained the inappropriateness of the word “third sex” as it implies a socially constructed
hierarchy between sexes.

“There is no such thing as third sex. Women, would you agree that you are actually second sex?

Who’s the first? There is no such thing as first sex because if there is, even according to biology, it
would be the female,” She stressed.

The talk was wrapped up by emphasizing the value of analytic distinction of genders as a part of
a revolutionary LGBT movement.

“The person coming from an exogenous perspective not coming from an indigenous perspective
does not have the right to claim that you are gay or lesbian by virtue of the judgement of
behaviors,” she said.

End the silence of the gagged!

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