September 2, 2011 (9:27 PM)

3 min read


The world of showbizness is not all about people with scandals, controversial lifestyles, shocking break-up stories and what have you. The industry is also a home of key public figures that are said to be movers for change. These are the passionate renowned icons dubbed as green celebrities because of their environmental advocacies. Some of the local and international celebrities are here, profiled just for you!

Joey Ayala is a proud Mindanawon. He is a contemporary pop artist in the country. He is the composer of the famous “Haring Ibon” – an advocate in preserving culture and nature. Also, Mr. Ayala is an alumnus in AdDU. He is the recepient of Fr. Neri Satur Award for Environmental Heroism last 2009.

Who can forget the stirring film entitled “An Inconvenient Truth”? This Al Gore-remarkable-movie had raised public awareness on the various environmental issues we have. After its public release, Gore surfaced chances in spearheading numbers of huge ecological ventures worldwide.

One of the most admired TV hosts in the Philippine Media today is the Kuya ng Bayan, Kuya Kim Atienza. Aside from being busy in hosting his own tv show called “Matanglawin” where interesting stories about Mother Earth are featured, Kuya Kim is also busy with his animals! Yes, he is a self-confessed animal lover. Be it wild or tame, he takes good care of these animals in his house, treating them as part of his family. He is known with his causes in providing awareness safeguarding nature’s wealth and taking active role as a good steward.

George Clooney’s principal contribution to Mother Earth was his act of dawning Oil Change, a campaign that aims to end America’s dependence on foreign oil resources. He was the prime spot of Vanity Fair’s first green issue. Also, Clooney is a pet friendly humanitarian. He even owns and operates an electric hybrid car called the “Tango” adding authenticity to his advocacy. He co-founded the Not On Our Watch (NOOW), an advocacy organization, together with Don Cheadle, Matt Damon, and Brad Pitt.

The host of green-themed reality TV show “Living with Ed”, Ed Begley Jr. is another well-known green celebrity. This guy composes his own garbage and make used of solar energy in his residences. Begley is indeed a living testimony of the saying “practice what you preach”.

Titanic’s heartthrob Leonardo DiCaprio is on the list of the most outspoken advocates for green policies in the US. He covered magazines which address the problem on climate change. He also narrated the eye-opening documentary film “The 11th Hour”.

End the silence of the gagged!

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