June 17, 2021 (9:35 PM)

5 min read


EMPOWERING THE YOUTH. Tomorrow International Institute Inc. (TII) a Davao-based private institution holds the 2021 Online Global Leaders Conference advocating for young leaders to solve social issues this July.

Davao-based private institution Tomorrow International Institute Inc. (TII),  has opened its application for the upcoming 2021 Online Global Leaders Conference, a 16-day leaders conference which seeks to empower the youth “to solve a certain problem in the country and change the world.”

It calls on young leaders from across Davao City to join their advocacy in solving social issues that are specific to the youth of Davao. The program will be held on July 3 to 19, 2021. 

Some of the program activities are project brainstorming sessions, local and online peer meetings, as well as the IVF World Youth Camp, an annual worldwide celebration of International Youth Fellowship that is “designed to subsequently equip them with the tools and resources they need to become sel?ess, focused leaders for the next generation.”

It will also select a winner among participating teams based on the effectiveness and potential of their project, and the dedication and commitment among these participants.

The winning project and its team will be featured in both Korea and the Philippines, and will be sponsored by one of the biggest donation platforms in Korea. Awards in the Foreign Category are as follows: $1000 for first place. $500 for second place, and $300 for third place.

How to Apply

Applicants should provide a team with five to seven members who will be willing to join the event.

The applicants and its members are eligible to join if they are Filipino resident/s in Davao City, and if they are in their graduate and undergraduate studies. Applications are also open to said youths from school, professional, and community organizations in the city.

The application started on June 9 and will end on June 25, 2021, while the orientation proper will be held on June 30, 2021.

Application link can be accessed here: http://bit.ly/2021OnlineLeadersConference

This event is in partnership with the Univ Leaders and International Youth Fellowship, and is part of the World Cultural Camp as one of its programs.

For questions and inquiries, aspirants may email [email protected], or message them in Tomorrow International Institute Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/TomorrowInternationalInstitute).

The Global Leaders Conference’s Legacy

Launched in 2020, the Global Leaders Conference has been a platform for young leaders to plan, project, solve, and implement projects that address social problems in different parts of the country.

However, as TII Director and Co-Event Manager of the Global Leaders Conference Efresela Leer said, the institute now wants to cater to their own home, Davao City.

“… since our institute is Davao based, [TII] chose Davao. It’s not just for that reason, but because Davao City has a lot of social issues such as teenage pregnancy, mental health and others,” Leer said.

Last year’s conference saw seven groups from different parts of the country actively planning and implementing their projects concerning specific communities in the country chosen by the participants. 

The winning team, LIFE WELL, dedicated its project to the 150 Aeta households in Porac, Pampanga, which aimed at building water walls as an additional source of income through bottled waters to “improve the quality of life and provide sustainable growth.”

For this year, Jayar Fajardo, the Co-Event Director of the conference, noted that compared to the two previous events, the sponsoring group for this year’s event would be bigger in terms of support.

“The sponsoring group to the event last year is smaller compared to the sponsoring group for the event this year, since the main host of this event is coordinated with different big companies in Korea, who will be supporting the necessities of the people such as livelihood programs, health, educational needs etc,” Fajardo said.

“There is a big possibility that the working committee from Korea will come to your target community beneficiary to officially execute the project,” Fajardo continued.

With this, the TII Director aspires that the same qualities of dedication, commitment, and expertise of previous years would be applied to Davao youth once the event begins.

“We expect that our Youths in Davao city will develop a program that will help solve the social issues in the City. At the same time, they will improve themselves through leadership training, mind education lectures and group presentations,” Leer said.

Leer lastly mentioned that issues such as teenage pregnancy, mental health problems, HIV/STD cases, human trafficking and unsolved problems under the indigenous people community in the city are still arising.

“Data may not be exact with regards to the said issues but none of the data we searched were decreasing,” Leer said.

But with this conference, Leer also hopes that this will be vital for changes within Davao city, and the country.

“[The conference] may be helpful for the youths because it may help them create a solution to prevent or avoid the issues stated. With the motto ‘My small idea changes the world’, the youth can create projects in a simple way but have a great impact on society,” the director concluded.

End the silence of the gagged!

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