June 14, 2014 (3:25 PM)

3 min read



Kindred spirits long for each other, making the simplest things the sweetest, and the smallest ideas the most intimate. In celebration of Father’s Day, let’s give our dads a sweet pat on the back and remember all the good memories we had together. Love is in the sincerest of memories.

I was really young then, but I remember the experiences clearly. Dad used to take me to his law firm. It was a two-story office in Agdao. His office was in the second floor. The secretaries were at the ground floor. The receiving area was at the ground floor, too.

They let me use those clunky typewriters and let me read thick law books. I enjoyed the typewriters specifically.

I think that was my father’s way of encouraging me of becoming a lawyer like him.

So far, it kind of succeeded. I just graduated PolSci and I’m going to law school in a few years.



I checked my SIS. I knew the answer, really. But I was clinging to some hope. Red letters aren’t supposed to hurt that much, but it stung. It didn’t just tell me I failed FinAcc, it made me feel like I failed my parents. I am an only child, after all. When the idea sank that I had no choice but to shift courses, I didn’t know exactly what to tell them. It was too much to handle at that time.

I don’t usually cry, but I felt awful. I was alone in the kitchen when, behind my tears, I heard my father entering the kitchen, pretending to do something. I knew he had been listening, but I gave him no mind. He turned to me, seemingly scripted, and asked “Ano problema?”

I cried on his shoulders.

He hugged and comforted me and said, “’Wag ka na mag-iyak. Dali dito ka sa kwarto matulog kasi may aircon.”


It’s a shallow story. It’s not sweet. It’s not worthy to be published. But when I failed Surveying and mama kept lecturing me, he kept silent.


We didn’t have much, but my father made sure I felt like a princess.

In Kinder, he would always tie my hair using strips of rubber from old tires, no combs necessary.

He made me a toy house. Balay-balay na A for Effort. It was made of bamboo up and down, and I’m not joking. It was a real, big house. And I loved it.

When I was in elementary, we would always ride a bike, hatod-sundo, and I would sit in front.

He taught me how to swim, how to drive the motorcycle, how to climb trees. And others, too many to mention!

I love my father.


Happy Father’s Day, Ateneans!

End the silence of the gagged!

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