August 17, 2015 (8:11 AM)

2 min read


Photo by Camaela Mirajes

Photo by Camaela Mirajes

Together with the representatives from the Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (AIESEC)-AdDU Chapter, a group of young people from 21 different countries in Europe, Asia and Africa organized a fund-raising program called “Hand in Hand for Mintal” at Rizal Park last Aug. 12.

The said group was composed of representatives from Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Africa, Morocco, and Egypt.

Lena Besarab, one of the team heads from Ukraine, said the program aims to help the people of Davao.

“We organize the said event to showcase talents, culture, and at the same time raise funds for our projects in Purok 21 in Mintal.”

Besareb said that their group planned to create entrance arch on the said purok, distribute first aid kits to the residents, and facilitate the construction of wastage and drainage systems.

“I invite them to communicate with us more and participate in our activities. I also encourage them to help us with our projects,” Beserab added.

Aside from gathering donations, the group also conducted musical recitals, short games, and community dance shows.

“Na-enjoy mi about sa ilang presentation and at the same time happy because they are making ways para makatabang sa ubang tao,” said Julie Orrilaneda, one audience who participated in the community dance.

AISSEC is said to be largest youth-run organization in the world. It focuses on harnessing the leadership skills of young people by opening venues for global internship and volunteer exchange.

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