March 21, 2012 (5:52 AM)

1 min read


I dream of Spring’s sun,
Peeking out from the cottony clouds,
Shedding light on a young earth.
I dream of Spring time birth.

I dream of Summer’s skies,
Its scorching sun so high in the sky,
Under which, every man strives.
I dream of Summer’s laborious lives.

I dream of Autumn’s trees,
Shaded by the deep red spectrum of their leaves.
Fragile life does fall from trees so tall.
I dream of Autumn’s graceful fall.

I dream of Winter’s frostbitten chill,
That leaves lakes and rivers silent and still,
And snow across the land reminiscent of crystal meth.
I dream of Winter’s untimely death.

As I wake so my dreams do die,
So from my pen all the way to your mind,
My dreams have come right back to life.
These are my dreams, immortalized.

– Draw

End the silence of the gagged!

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