February 15, 2016 (6:36 PM)

2 min read


The Ateneo Community was in attendance and in one in the celebration of Mass for the Festival of Excellence held at the university chapel,  Feb. 15.

It was originally planned to be held at the 4th floor of Martin hall. However, due to some technical difficulties, the students together with the faculty and staff were requested to transfer to the university chapel.

The holy mass marked the beginning of the week-long celebration of the College Day 2016. It was presided by Fr. Ramon Toledo, S.J. and co-celebrated by Fr. Daniel McNamara, Fr. Gabriel Gonzales and Fr. Campo, all from the Society of Jesus.

During the mass, Fr. Toledo noted that even with this joyous celebration of excellence, the solemnity of the Lenten Season is still to be observed through fasting and alms-giving.

In his homily, he emphasized the words “welcoming” and “inclusion” as an element or attribute of Christianity to be practiced by every Christian towards those who are “hungry, thirsty, poor, naked, sick and imprisoned.”

Also, Fr. Toledo stated during his homily that the true meaning of this celebration and season is for everyone to have “a sense of solidarity; a sense of being one with poor and the ignored.”

“To carry these people, instead of leaving them behind,” Fr. Toledo added.

He then concluded his homily with the message addressed to everyone, a challenge and a concern of “being in one communion, instead of isolation.”

End the silence of the gagged!

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