Beating of the drums. Students cheering. A sense of sportsmanship among the 9 divisions in the atmosphere.
This was the scene inside the Covered Court of Ateneo de Davao University a few minutes before the Group Dance Showdown began.
Each division had four representatives to show what they got in the dance floor. They were only given 3-4 minutes to flaunt their moves in the genre of hip-hop .
The criteria for judging were 40% for choreography, 30% for creativity, 10% for costume, 10% for projection, and another 10% for the overall impact to the audience.
To give more time for the judges, last year’s winner of the Couple Dance Showdown from the Nursing division also danced.
Business and Management Division got the second place, followed by the College of Nursing who bagged the first place. The overall champion of this year’s Group Dance Showdown is the College of Engineering and Architecture.
And how does it feel to have bagged the Championship?
“Very proud and very happy. It is a one dance for the EA,” said Razelle Orquiza, division representative of the College of Engineering and Architecture.