February 14, 2021 (10:33 AM)

3 min read


SCB 2021. SAMAHAN Central Board candidates battle out their student-centered platforms and innovations to serve the student body for the next academic year during the Miting de Avance hosted by the AdDU COMELEC via FB Live, February 12.

With the nearing Samahan Central Board elections, candidates discussed more about their plans for the student body in hopes of winning their trust and votes during the Miting de Avance February 12.

Most platforms presented by the candidates were focused on unity and strengthening transparency among SAMAHAN and its departments.

They plan to uphold the latter through updating budget releases for the students to be informed with how the budget is used.

During the question and answer portion of the meeting, AGILAS’ Rose Marie Quimod, running for SAMAHAN President, was asked what she would have done regarding the #Addustrike that was stirred online last November 24, 2020, if ever she were the Samahan President.

She responded by saying that she will be listening to what the student body wants.

“We will always be biased to the students” she said.

Meanwhile, Quimod’s contender from the Begin Again Coalition, Karlo Torreon, was asked how he would reassure everyone that the SAMAHAN and the deputies and departments under it would not be a “friends’ club”.

“We will be able to bring in the student judiciary and the commission on appointments to objectively appoint our deputies and directors,” Torreon said.

Due to the implementation of the recently ratified 2021 SAMAHAN Constitution, this year’s elections will also be the first for the position of Vice President. Harris Tuyongan from BAHAGHARI and Rholien Rhoi Verallo from Begin Again, expressed their nervousness and excitement to serve as the first SAMAHAN Vice-President, whoever among them wins. 

Also included in the candidates’ platforms, most especially from cluster representatives, are the goals of being able to help other students have more and better opportunities, as well as create an inclusive space where students will be able to voice out their problems through their cluster representatives.

Mr. Lunar Fayloga, SAMAHAN Moderator and Guest speaker for the miting de avance, shared how leadership is hard during the opening ceremony of the meeting.

“To dream is one thing and to realize that dream is another thing. For those of you who know what every word means, as leaders, as persons, to make promises are already difficult and it is even more difficult to fulfill these promises,” he said.

Comelec Chairperson Ma. Andrea Nicolas, formally ended the meeting with her closing remarks. 

“This year’s candidates showcased themselves exceptionally through the different social media platforms and the different events that were conducted during the campaign period,” she said.

End the silence of the gagged!

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