February 21, 2019 (11:05 AM)

2 min read


Apple G. Alvarez, RN, MN discusses about drug addiction to students during the Drug Abuse: Prevention and Control seminar which was held at F213 last Monday.

Photo by Charlotte Billy Sabanal

The Center Against Illegal Drugs (CAID), in partnership with the University Clinic, held a Drug Abuse and Prevention seminar last February 18 at Room F213 of Ateneo de Davao University.

The forum which was graced by Apple G. Alvarez, RN, MN, keyed in on the various effects of drugs not only to the affected person but also those around them. Alvarez also shared to the audience how substance abuse as very damaging especially on teens and young adults.

“For your information, this (drug abuse) is the leading cause of damage and destruction to high school and college students which can impair academic performance,” said Alvarez.

Alvarez, however, says that there is hope. Sharing that walking a person does not necessarily need to be alone on the road to recovery.

“Recovery in drug addiction is always possible. It may seem like that the journey is impossible, but the truth is, God will always be accepting even though we have crossed the wrong path, there is always hope, the hope of change in our lives. ”

Vincent Campos, a freshman Education student, hopes that there would be more similar seminars in the future since it clarified his understanding of such issues.

“I learned many things in this event. I have a bit of an overview of drugs, but it became more comprehensive thanks to this forum. I would participate again, and I hope that others would take part in it too,” expressed Campos.

University Clinic nurse John Paul Anajao said the event was a success, and that the school should expect more events involving discussion on illegal drug abuse.

“Yes, we still have other plans of having seminars, most especially like this one because this is related to you, the students. Aside from seminars, there is also ongoing activities ang Clinic, so it depends on the Health month program which is based on DOH,” Anajao shared in an interview.

End the silence of the gagged!

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