June 23, 2013 (2:29 PM)

2 min read



At first glance, you’ll think it’s a heroes’ night out as the School of Business and Governance (SBG) marched into the Ateneo de Davao Highschool Quadrangle to attend their Orientation Night.

Dressed as their own favourite hero character, an estimated 51 percent of the this year’s university population settled in their seats to know their latest mission.

“We aim to develop and produce highly ethical and global leaders in the business and governance scene,” said Mr. Godofredo F. Eding, MBA, Assistant Dean, in his speech.

He stressed how he takes their mission of developing AdDU leaders in the SBG very seriously. Drawing points that he had gathered from the meetings with Fr. Tabora, he characterized how AdDU leaders are university educated, have habits of research and how they serve the community.

Aside from the university advocacies, other matters discussed were the course trajectories, descriptions and graduation requirements. The faculty and administrative associates were introduced earlier in the night, who discussed the highlights and necessities that the students may need in their whole stay in their chosen course. Questions were raised and enthusiastic faculty members answered.

“Be strong. Be diligent. Be decisive,” Mr. Eding remarked during the night.

Walang shortcut sa academe and it’s not going to be easy. So be strong and seek the answers you are looking for with God,” he added.

Series of skilfully crafted AVPs introduced the activities that their clubs and organizations have in store for them, somehow exuding grandiose and fun that left the audience excited even after the presidents and heads’ messages ended.

“We promise something big and fun this year. College is boring if you only allow it to be. So, be involved,” Peter Jules Cañete, SBG Representative said.

“We have prepared,” he added, “Now all we need is you.”

The night truly was a start of something big for the SBG, leaving a promise that in the events that will follow, one can expect superheroes rising and set to win for the division.

End the silence of the gagged!

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