March 15, 2019 (11:23 AM)

2 min read


Photo by Loraine Rubi

Although she was not able to join last year, the former grand champion of the 30th Awitenista, Jayrah Adeva, returned for this year’s event. Adeva’s winning piece ‘Blue Knights Stand Tall’ won in the Best Jam Atenista Category while her rendition was voted as the Best Live Performance.

Despite winning her second Awitenista crown, Adeva remained humble and praised her fellow performers during the event.

“I’m very happy to have been able to compete with very talented individuals. Honestly, I didn’t expect to win again this Awitenista 32nd because everyone was truly good and talented. That is why its overwhelming for me to win this time around,” Adeva told Atenews.

In its 32nd year of making authentic Atenean music, Awitenista provides the students with an inclination for music a stage in which they can perform their songs and works on an audience.

The appreciation for events like Awitenista is not lost according to Fifth Year Accountancy student Coleen Playda who shared that she is amazed by the talents displayed by her school mates.

“Ateneans really do ooze with talent. I am amazed by how talented these budding musicians are. It is great that we have this avenue to celebrate authentic atenean music,” added Playda.

Awitenista also welcomed alternative rock group Hale as its guest band who played live after the performances of the students. They serenaded the crowd with their hit songs such as the ‘Blue Sky’, and ‘The Day You Said Goodnight’.

The event, which had four categories this year, namely the Religious Category, Nationalistic Category, Contemporary Cateogry, and the Jam Atenista Category were judged by Viva Records producer Joseph Dichoso, SubDominant 7 moderator Patrick Jose Cavan, and Fr. Charlie Cenzon.

The following is the list of winners:
Religious Category — Save Me by Luke Isnani 
Nationalistic Category — Silakbo by Jason Oraiz 
Jam Atenista Category — Blue Knights, Stand Tall by Jayrah Adeva 
Contemporary Category — Nagbabakasakaling Balikan by Paul Ramirez
People’s Choice Award — He by Nino Velasco 
Best Live Performance — Blue Knights, Stand Tall by Jayrah Adeva
Grand Champion — Blue Knights, Stand Tall by Jayrah Adeva

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