August 1, 2015 (3:36 PM)

1 min read


“With St. Ignatius, let us find the freedom to respond.”

With that, Fr. Joel E. Tabora, SJ, the university president and main presider, encouraged the listeners to “seek and find God’s will” during the Holy Mass held July 30 at the Fr. Martinez Sports Complex, Matina Campus.

The mass was in anticipation of the solemnity of St. Ignatius of Loyola on July 31.

The Ateneo de Davao community, including faculty, staff, and students from all levels, participated in the said event.

Fr. Tabora stressed the important points of St. Ignatius’ life that led him to who he came to be.

“As we celebrate Ignatius today, let us allow the drama of his life to resonate the drama of our own life.,” Tabora stated in the last part of his homily.

“I was invigorated, I realized the importance of st. Ignatius of Loyola and the ateneo community,” said Ernest John Ulep, a first year mass communication student.

End the silence of the gagged!

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