January 28, 2014 (3:38 PM)

2 min read


Ateneans from different year levels and courses gathered last Friday, January 24 at the Finster Grounds during activity period for the annual Miting de Avance.

Students from various political parties brought their mascots, band, balloons and cheers with them. As the crowd grew thick, names of the supported aspirants became clearer and louder.

The short program started with the aspirants for the various student government positions of SAMAHAN presenting their platforms. With loud clear voices, and some that cracked under nervousness, the student leaders stood their ground and expressed their plans and how-to’s to the student body. The platform presentation was followed by the asking of questions collected from the audience addressed to their chosen candidate. The candidates’ communication skills as well as the audience’s critical thinking and evaluating skills were put to the test.

“This miting de avance is an avenue for students to know more about the candidates for SCB Elections,” April Ledesma, COMELEC President said in an interview, “It is also an avenue for the critical Atenean voter to clarify things regarding the candidates’ platforms.”

With the attendance and support that Ateneans graced in the event, COMELEC expressed their thankfulness and delight. It is their hope that an even greater number of students will choose to exercise their rights to vote.

Campaign period ends tonight at exactly 11:59PM.

E-Votenista start tomorrow, January 29, 30 and February 1 at the Thibault grounds.

End the silence of the gagged!

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