November 28, 2014 (1:27 PM)

2 min read


In celebration of the Mindanao Week of Peace, the Arrupe Office of Social Formation enlightened the students regarding the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) at the Finster Auditorium during the activity period today.

Arrupe invited resource speaker Mr. Mohammad Al-Amin Jukipli to convey the updates, issues and concerns on BBL. He is a legal team member of the government’s negotiating peace panel.

Jukipli started out by differentiating BBL and the Comprehensive Agreement on Bangsamoro (CAB).

“The Bangsamoro Basic Law is the legal translation of the CAB,” he said.

Jukipli said that they aim to finish the peace process on 2016.

“We want to pursue and achieve the peace process in one government term,” he explained. He also stated that they aim to reconcile the National elections and the Bangsamoro elections.

In the forum, he delved into the basics of BBL such as its effects, its provisions, and its difference from the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao.

Currently, the Congress is deliberating and conducting committee hearings regarding BBL. After such, it will have to undergo plebiscite in the areas it encompasses.

The Arrupe Office conducted the event to promote greater understanding of BBL, as it would affect the Mindanaoans and the Ateneo community.

When asked about her perspective, Kate Suobiron, a 1st year BS Accountancy student said, “It’s important for us students to understand this because we are part of this.”

End the silence of the gagged!

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