September 10, 2019 (4:43 PM)

3 min read


AM-LIB. PH-US bond as depicted in American Corner (AC) Youth Art Collaboration Mural painted by Ateneo Art Company (ArtCo) occupies the wall of the University’s American Library.

Exhibiting the nation’s lasting rapport with the United States of America, Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU) and American Space Philippines in partnership with US Embassy – Manila revealed the first-ever mural painting by students at the American Corner.

The American Corner (AC) Youth Art Collaboration Mural painted by the Ateneo Art Company (ArtCo), depicted the PH-US bond as one that knows no geographical boundaries through the portrayal of famous icons from Mindanao and America.

AC Director Fretzie Fajardo asserted that the mural displays not only the connection of the two countries but also features the enthusiasm of young and talented visual artists of the university.

“The mural showcases the continuing shared relationship between the two countries – the Philippines and the United States of America. This also showcases the art of Mindanao at the same time supporting our local artists, especially our students to develop their skills, express their creativity and fresh ideas in a wonderful work of art that can also inspire other people to engage more in creating artworks,” Fajardo stated.

Moreover, she stressed how mural painting could be an avenue for students to show their resourceful ideas in the arts.

“We hope that others can replicate murals like this in other areas of the university para dili na pud sila magvandal sa mga libraries kay instead of drawing doodles on walls, they can express themselves, their art through mural painting,” Fajardo asserted.

“This inspires them to look at the bright side na even though there are struggles in life, they can always look up to art as their inspirations” the AC head added.

Fajardo further emphasized a specific element of the mural, enunciating that if the US has National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the country will also be having its very own Philippine Space Agency soon, where AdDU’s Aerospace Engineering Program will work together with the Department of Science and Technology.

Meanwhile, Christine Joy Zafra, ArtCo President, noted how even a single element of the piece took them so long to create.

“Grabe, great achievement talaga siya and very thankful ko kay Lord. Thankful pud ko sa American Corner, US Embassy for tapping us to take part in this activity, pero yeah, tiring but fulfilling siya. Ang mga kasama ko na artists dito, passion talaga ang arts kay they really made time for this kay ganon naman talaga, you make time for something you love,” Zafra said.

During the unveiling ceremony, the mural painting was not only seen by students and AC staff but was also witnessed by the people at the US Embassy – Manila via live video.

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