November 29, 2021 (9:50 PM)

2 min read


Photo courtesy of Ignatian Spirituality and Formation Office (ISFO)

Living in a common home, peace should be Mindanaoans’ aspiration and responsibility.

As the annual celebration of Mindanao Week of Peace takes place, Ignatian Spirituality and Formation Office (ISFO) and the Arrupe Office of Social Formation-Senior High School Unit broadcasted live the 15th episode of ISFO TV entitled, “Peace be with you: Narratives of Peace.”

“Do digital advocacy,” Salaam Movement Project Coordinator Fatima Star Lamalan answered when asked how learners can work for peace.

She further said that learners could start off by leveraging and using social media to be productive and promote peace.

Both Lamalan and Peace Education Instructor Elieza Tusit believed that individuals have a shared responsibility in keeping the peace and harmony in their communities.

“If you actually care for yourself, for your family, for the people around you, for the environment, the nature around you, then you are already doing something for peace. You are already qualified to work for peace,” Tusit said.

The instructor advised students to participate in activities that promote peace and join clubs that conduct such activities, which are steps to work for peace.

She encouraged Mindanaoans to promote peace in cyberspace or the virtual world, as much as they promote peace in the actual world.

Lamalan then emphasized that they break boundaries in peacebuilding.

“We are living in a common home, we are all Mindanaoans, we live in Mindanao. We have no choice but to respect each other’s beliefs and respect each other’s identities,” she said.

Tusit further explained that peacebuilding has to be inclusive, considering everyone to be part of peacebuilding advocacies and movements.

“Whatever is the gender [and sexual orientation] of that certain person, the important thing that we need to have is the word respect. Walang boundary ang respect,” Tusit said.

Leadership Development Program Moderator Niño Memorial shared that there is peace if there is justice because they would always go together.

“With the presence of justice, we experience love amongst people and when we experience justice and love amongst people then there is peace,” he added.

The 15th episode of ISFO TV was streamed live via Facebook and YouTube last November 26, as part of the annual celebration of Mindanao Week of Peace from November 25 to December 1.

End the silence of the gagged!

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