July 20, 2022 (12:11 PM)

3 min read


CHAMPIONS. Another championship was obtained by the Ateneo Debate Varsity (ADV) as they bagged the award during the 45th Mindanao Parliamentary Debate Championship (MPDC) on July 15-17, 2022. Photo courtesy of French Bayer Bandong

Continuing their winning tradition, the Ateneo Debate Varsity (ADV) captured the championship title, along with a complete contingent break for the 45th Mindanao Parliamentary Debate Championship (MPDC).

AdDU A’s Giovanni Vallejo (Finals Best Speaker, 6th Best Speaker of Mindanao), Matthew Pernes (6th Best Speaker of Mindanao), and Ethan Cueva, who went into the grand finals with Ateneo de Zamboanga’s bets, were hailed as champions in the competition. 

AdDU B’s Edrian Nabos (5th Best Speaker of Mindanao), Pia Vismanos (6th Best Speaker of Mindanao), and Cheska Alivio, and AdDU C’s Janel Sungkip, Michelle Angela Ucab, and Nurhata Mizhuari reached the quarterfinals. On the other hand, AdDU D’s Jhoanna Cayanan, Joie Garces, and Lance Pinpin, and AdDU E’s Gabrielle Duguil, Jette Salonga, and Stephen Luna finished as octofinalists. 

Competing Judge Shylloe Planas also bagged the 4th Best Judge of Mindanao title in the tournament.

ADV President Ethan Cueva shared that this victory was their first time in the blended set-up, noting that “it was so nice to get everyone together after almost 2 years of online debate.”

“The fact that every other victory was either purely F2F or online makes this one unique. While there are challenges with the setup, there are also new advantages that come with it, like with convenience of staying put in one physical space,” Cueva told Atenews.

He added that the blended set-up helped ADV, who were both MPDC participants and hosts, coordinate successfully in the same physical spaces despite the hectic nature of the overall event.

As it is not the first time that ADV has reigned as champions in the MPDC history, Cueva expressed that what kept their years-long success was nothing but consistency in training.

“The ADV has and always relied on its culture of training to achieve its goals in tournaments. There isn’t really a ‘special sauce,’ per se, but recognizing the strengths of our members and understanding shortcomings and addressing them allow us to enhance our trainings,” he said.

The ADV president further detailed that they have numerous plans lined up for this academic year following their triumphant MPDC bid.

“The ADV plans to participate in, host, and hopefully win many more tournaments in the future. Within the University, we look forward to hosting the Fiesta’s Ignatian Cup, and the electoral Tapatan and Talakayan,” he said.

The 46th MPDC held on July 15 – 17 was headed by Tournament Director and ADV Moderator Akeem Fabila and attended by various institutions around Mindanao.

End the silence of the gagged!

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