#AdDUStrike trends nationwide on Twitter

November 18, 2020 (12:12 AM)

3 min read


<p>#AdDUStrike. Ateneans of Davao start a hashtag on twitter calling out the inconsistencies and insensitivity of the university&#8217;s newly released memo to push for all summer and first semester exams in December despite announcing an academic break weeks before. Photo by Jeni Anne Rosario </p>

#AdDUStrike. Ateneans of Davao start a hashtag on twitter calling out the inconsistencies and insensitivity of the university’s newly released memo to push for all summer and first semester exams in December despite announcing an academic break weeks before. Photo by Jeni Anne Rosario

    Written by:

    Danica Malle Peña
    Senior News Writer
    Julia Alessandra Trinidad


In response to the administration’s sudden decision to reschedule summative assessments (SAs)  to December, the Ateneo de Davao University student body declared on Twitter their refusal to take the exams with #AdDUStrike trending top one in the Philippines.

The online mobilization began on twitter around 9:00 in the evening while an emergency Townhall Conversation with the admin was being held via Zoom. 

Twitter user @Roycedenolan said that the recent amendment runs counter to the advocacy of his organization.

“I am Royce Denolan, @AdDU_ASSETS President, and I believe that these administrative policies hinder what our organization strives to create — academic excellence and collaboration in a healthy and progressive space for sharing, growing, and learning. #AdDUStrike”

 Meanwhile, @kkolele encouraged his/her fellow students to raise their grievances online.



They cannot silence us anymore. We deserve to be heard. We are in the right. Refuse to take the exams! Fight for our stand! 



Comparing the university to the wider national context, @bjunabia16 tweeted:

“Much like how governments are accountable to its people, university administrations are also accountable to its students. You cannot exist without us. #AdDUStrike”

3rd year BS Accountancy student @raginfaith in a tweet, expressed her frustrations towards the new schedule considering the heavy load and retention policy of their program. 

“In this pandemic jd, naforce mi mag enroll only to fail our subjects bc of the sudden changes sa schedule????  Ang unfair naman????? #AdDUStrike”

@juhyun_c also pointed out the inconsistencies in the admin’s policy, creating confusion among the students:

“Atik pa sa 1yr to pay ang summer tuition, atik sa ready na mag online class, atik sa no academic related activities in 2020, atik sa tanan para daghan magenroll, atikon pa jd ang core values.

Wala mi nangatik na di mi mag exam 


SAMAHAN President @renzvolution tweeted: 

“We are one with you! The online strike is just one of the pathways that we will take; part of the bigger battle, for the general welfare of the student body. Carry on! #AdDUStrike”

Lacorte expressed how the student government continues to exhaust all means of dialogue among the student body, most especially at a challenging time like this. 

“If the university taught us to stand for what is right, then we are more reminded that the university has formed us well because we are fighting for what we believe in, in situations like this,” Lacorte said.

The SAMAHAN President emphasized how the cluster representatives have been a big help in importing sentiments from the students at the grassroots level and thanked each student who is doing their part on Twitter.

“Let us work together and continue to find the best means to exceed in this particular situation,” Lacorte added.

With the aim of lobbying their proposals to the central administration, Lacorte reminded the student body to remain respectful despite the stressful scenery on the on-going movement in the social media platform. 

“In our journey, there might be times that we may intentionally or unintentionally hurt one another, but I call for everyone to stay respectful and to stay level-headed,” Lacorte said.

Lacorte further stressed that the student-led strike is not a form of going against the institution, but rather a plea to be heard.

“Some might not understand, but we understand them. And we hope that we could help them understand us as well,” he expressed.

“If there’s a thing that you believe that should be fought for, then fight for it, and we’ll be there.” 

#AdDUStrike continues to gain traction with roughly 9,660 tweets as of press time. 

End the silence of the gagged!

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