February 21, 2015 (10:39 AM)

2 min read


The university's teachers and staff were recognized in the celebration of the Araw ng mga Gabay during the first day of the 2015 College Days. Photo by Dexter Vaughn Mancao

The university’s teachers and staff were recognized in celebration of the Araw ng mga Gabay during the first day of the 2015 College Days. Photo by Dexter Vaughn Mancao

Students gathered at Dotterweich Park last Monday, February 16, to recognize the university’s faculty and staff as the first day of the 2015 College Days continued with the celebration of the Araw ng mga Gabay.

Regel Asuero, SAMAHAN Central Board President, gave his opening remarks and welcomed everyone who joined the activity. The General Assembly (GA) presented a production number shortly thereafter.

Students then delivered heartfelt messages to their respective professors.

After the program at Dott’s Park, the faculty members proceeded to F213 for the continuation of the Araw ng mga Gabay celebration. The second half was opened by an acoustic performance, followed by an AVP Presentation for the teachers by the SAMAHAN Creative Team.

The teachers also showed their flair as they conquered the stage with an electrifying performance. The celebration ended with another acoustic performance coming from the students.

End the silence of the gagged!

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