September 15, 2016 (1:36 PM)

3 min read


Photo taken from the official Twitter account of the Gisbert library

Photo taken from the official Twitter account of the Gisbert library

Photo taken from the official Twitter account of the Gisbert library

In partnership with Elsevier R&D Solutions, Ateneo de Davao University established another milestone to enhance the student learning database through the introduction of Knovel. In the afternoon of Sept. 14, two sessions of live demonstration and lecture about the new application were held consecutively at J301, Jubilee Building, AdDU-Jacinto campus.
Knovel is an engineering decision-support solution delivering best practice insights, material and substance property data, and validated equations through powerful search analytical tools. It is a web page accessible inside the campus premises. Fortunately for students, they can have remote access to the application through registering their own account or downloading My Knovel ToGo Mobile App.

Arthur Tea, Senior Solution Sales Manager of Elsevier Singapore was the main speaker for the event. He explained the features of Knovel and discussed its importance to research and design especially for Engineering students. For Tea, Knovel and AdDU is a perfect match.

“Knovel has been a trusted resource of good universities. Ateneo de Davao I’d undoubtedly one of the best schools here in the Philippines. So I think it is very natural that we find each other. It just happened,” he said.

The first session was exclusively for participants from the School of Engineering and Architecture. The next session, however, was opened to other Ateneo students specifically the Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM) division and the Computer Studies (CS) cluster who will benefit from the said application.

“At first, hindi ko talaga alam kung ano ang Knovel. So, na-intrigued ako. Ngayon alam ko na. It will be helpful kasi mas maging organized ang trabaho sa pag-research at pag-solve ng complicated formulas. Interesting talaga siya,” Fourth year Biology student Aya Imaizumi said.

According to the Director of Libraries, Fretzie Fajardo, it was SEA who first forwarded Knovel’s proposal to the AdDU Libraries for review. She shared the current status of their deal with Knovel.
“AdDU is planning to subscribe 12 of 35 disciplines offered by Knovel. However, we have received suggestions from the participating faculty that some other areas will be beneficial for them. So I think we will still be making adjustments in our agreement,” Fajardo said.

End the silence of the gagged!

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