October 26, 2012 (1:41 PM)

4 min read


More than 50 participants coming from inside and outside Ateneo de Davao flocked and listen attentively as four speakers from the University expressed their ideas worth sharing in the recently concluded TEDx AdDU event which happened last October 22 at the Finster Auditorium.

The talk gave opportunity to inspire thinkers to change lives by spreading their ideas regarding any matter that fuels human interest. Each speaker was given 18 minutes to express their ideas in any interesting ways they can.

The four speakers were Karla Singson, an entrepreneur who talks on “How to Ignite Opportunities”, Noy Narciso, an artist who elaborated on the idea of ” Soul Making”, Sahar Toghyani Dolatabadi and Arvin Baker, who are both students, stressed on ” Why Patriotism Matters” and ” The Grass Fire”, respectively.

How to ignite Opportunities

Singson dwells on the importance of valuing an opportunity so that one may not lose it. To further elaborate her point, she used herself as an example who got tired when people would tell her that she could have been a remarkable law student, a successful businesswoman, or could have faced any masterals.

“There were so many could have beens and would have beens. I got tired,” she said.

She added that because of that, she started to reconstruct her life. She became keener in noticing opportunities because she learned how to “appreciate” opportunities.
She also stressed that opportunity must not always be partnered with fate because it is by choice that we make our own opportunities.


Narciso’s emphasis was on how art helps in soul making. He said that it is an alternative venue in knowing oneself. Through arts like crafting images, or making instruments from recycled materials, we devote time to ourselves. Thus, it gives us the opportunity to know ourselves better.

He added that one do soul making because it helps in “transcending from human to spiritual being, to heighten sensitivity to the environment, and to connect with God.”

Why Patriotism Matters

Toghyani stressed that nationalism benefits “you, your country, and the whole world.” She said that if an individual is proud of one’s country, then that person gains confidence and respect from other people. Thus, creating the self-assured you.

She added that if everyone is helping each other for the sake of their country, then it builds a more united country. Lastly, she explained that nationalism benefits the world if and only “you learn that your country is not perfect, that every country is not perfect” but still, you acknowledged it and respect each other.

The Grass Fire

Baker compared people with grass fire. He explained that at first, a grass fire burns with intensity, but later, it turns into nothing but ashes. Just like us, at first, we are driven by a goal, but later on, the drive diminishes. “It is like ningas kugon,” he added.

To elaborate better, he cites an example. When people who grew up watching Harry Potter saw the final and last installation of the movie, they would say that they would never forget Harry Potter, but three days later, they would go around their busy world and not remember Harry Potter.

He said the way to keep the fire burning is passion and determination. “It’s about mindset.” he added.

After all the speakers ended their speech, the curator of the event, Mick Basa, assured that there will be a part two of the TEDx AdDU next year.

The Tedx AdDu was the first independently organized TED talk in Davao City. Mick Basa, the curator, said he thought of the idea of organizing the event because of a personal experience. Through that experience, he realized that one dont have many lives. One has only one life to live.

“So if you have many ideas, why not share it?” he stressed. He also said that one needs to share because one “need support from others for you to continue your advocacy.”

TED or Technology, Entertainment and Design, was first founded on 1984 with the goal to propagate “ideas worth spreading.” Since then, TED talks became a global event where local communities could express and share their ideas that are relevant to the society. There are already Ted talk events in Tokyo, Toronto, Dublin, Taipei, Vancouver and in many other places.

Renowned personalities like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, and Bill Gates were past presenters of the event.

End the silence of the gagged!

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