October 28, 2019 (11:06 AM)

2 min read


Photo taken from Engr. Jason Bucol’s Facebook profile.

Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering (BS-ECE) graduate Jason Bucol passed the ECE Board Exam and notched top 4 in the Electronics Technician (ECT) Licensure Examination with a rating of 89 percent.

Remembering his struggles, Bucol admitted that his one-year extension in college helped him to be determined in pursuing his goal.

“This kept me motivated in finishing my degree to doing my best during the board exams. The taste of victory is really sweet,” Bucol said.

Bucol belonged to the 2,589 out of 3,775 examinees who passed the ECT Licensure Exam while he was among the 2,460 passers out of 4,977 examinees in the ECE.

Reaping two of his most significant achievements, the AdDU alumnus recalled that his color blindness crushed his dreams of being a pilot. He also described that BS-ECE was the course he took out of his ‘last-minute decision.’

“I really wanted to pursue BS in Accountancy but I’ve heard two of my friends planned to take BS in Electronics and Communications Engineering… It was during the enrolment period that I changed my mind at the last minute and chose BS-ECE over Accountancy,” he expressed.

Bucol also admitted that he learned of the test results through a text message.

“Too bad I was not able to experience the feeling of scrolling down and looking for my name. Still, I was very happy to see my name in the official list of passers,” Bucol said.

When asked about his plans, the General Santos City resident enunciated he will rest and spend time with his family and will be open for opportunities that would help his personal growth and career.

Meanwhile, AdDU’s passing rate in the ECT exam conducted on October 21 was 92.66 percent compared to the national passing rate of 68.58 percent while the university’s passing rate in the ECE board exam conducted on October 19-20 was 69.23 percent compared to the nation’s 49.43 percent.

End the silence of the gagged!

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