August 13, 2022 (12:42 PM)

3 min read


IT’S A WRAP. Sofia Narvaiza, Government Whip, refines her party’s side as she gives her concluding speech in the Ignatian Cup 2022 Grand Finals in Pakighinabi on Thursday, August 11. Photo by Samantha Erika de las Llagas

Reclaiming their Ignatian Cup glory, the Social Sciences (SS) Dragons won against the Humanities and Letters (HumLet) cluster in this year’s return of the face-to-face Ignatian Cup championship.

Each team engaged in a fiery debate, tackling the motion, “In countries where abortions are illegal, this house, as the feminist movement, would actively push for mandatory vasectomies for males over 18 years old.” 

SS A comprised of Jet Salazar (Prime Minister), Carl Gerard Gosingco (Deputy Prime Minister), and Sofia Narvaiza (Government Whip), while HumLet A consisted of Paige Berdos (Leader of Opposition), Jezreel Francisco (Deputy Leader of Opposition), and Gab Zablan (Opposition Whip). 

SS A’s Prime Minister Jet Salazar shared his experience through a Facebook post, mentioning that this win was a zero-to-hero story.

“We started our training as terrible debaters with bad structures and well… we’re still not great, but we’re doing well, I’d say,” Salazar narrated his winning speech and appreciation post on Facebook. 

SS A’s Government Whip Ma. Sofia Narvaiza also expressed her gratitude and worries after being hailed as the final’s best speaker, with the tally of 3, 1, 1, split.

“I’m teamed up with such good teammates such as Gerard and Jet, who have already competed in the Ignatian Cup, and I felt like I’m the odd one out. Kasi I’m the one who never had any debate experience pa.” 

Narvaiza further highlighted the essence of collaborative effort and teamwork.

“It was through our Prime Minister, who made us into this team that is cohesive, and actually has a strong dynamic. Also, I’m very thankful for my friends, Jhoanna, Kuya Nico, and Kuya Stephen, for mentoring us. Also for our facilitator, Ethan, and he was a really huge help. And to our other SS B team, who grew with us along the way,”  she added. 

After two years of conducting the Ignatian Cup online, the Ateneo Debate Varsity (ADV) is back on campus once again to conduct this year’s championship round.

“We know how to deal with COVID now, and the blended set-up is normalized,” since we are students in this university, we have the privilege to use its spaces,” ADV president Ethan Cueva stated. 

Cueva also mentioned the factors behind ADV’s thought process in this year’s Ignatian Cup debate themes. 

“We look at things that are emerging, and something that hasn’t been really discussed, like particular angles in very common issues in the society.” 

The Top 10 best speakers were also announced onsite, with NSMxSOE A’s Ahman Lee Miranda as the tournament’s overall best speaker. 

Before the shift to an online debate setup, the Social Sciences Cluster bagged the championship award from the Ignatian Cup for two years in a row. 

The championship round was live streamed via ADV’s Facebook page on August 11.

End the silence of the gagged!

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