August 14, 2022 (3:07 PM)

2 min read


BLESSED. Fr. Vic Baltazar, SJ, of the Society of Jesus, presided the Mass of the Solemnity of the Our Lady of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary last Friday, August 12. Photo by Jerachris Megaela Rosal

Ateneo de Davao University’s (ADDU) students and staff commenced the second day of the SADYA 2022: 74th Ateneo Fiesta celebration with a mass for the Blessed Virgin Mary in 4F Martin Hall. 

Mass Celebrant Fr. Victor Baltazar S.J. linked the Italian dessert Tiramisu as a special prayer for the Feast of Our Lady of the Assumption in his homily.

Baltazar said that the ordinary term Tiramisu “can be as special as a prayer on this solemn feast of the Assumption of Lady.”

While Tiramisu is a ‘real upper’ dessert for its diverse ingredients, Baltazar emphasized its literal meaning  “pull or lift me up.” 

“Tiramisu becomes like a tagline, a prayer tag if you will, a mantra of sorts. Words that you repeat when certain occasions you find hard to engage come,” he said. 

He added that in praying Tiramisu, the people join Mary in singing praise to God and shared that Mary serves as a gateway to heaven for people.

“Pope Francis reminded us that the Lady, lifted up to heaven, gives us hope because she shows to us that what God has done for her, God means to do for all of us as well,” he said. 

Since Mary taught Jesus about humanity, Fr. Baltazar said she stands as a “bridge” between people and God’s blessings. 

“If we are able to receive and enjoy God’s graces and nurture them to fruition, it is because Mary continues to intercede for us to God. Mary mediates her son to us, and Jesus mediates the Father to us,” he said. 

Fr. Baltazar then stressed that the Virgin Mary is an “icon of loving service and an exemplar for good discipleship.” Her service reflects God’s love for her and His loving kindness to the people.

He concludes his homily encouraging everyone to “pray with Virgin Mary to our Lord, simply with much love and trust in God. Tiramisu.”

Along with Fr. Baltazar, School President Fr. Joel Tabora and five other priests from the Society of Jesus graced the fiesta mass. 

The Celebration of the Feast of Our Lady Assumption began with a mass, which was live streamed via ADDU’s Facebook Page, and a short ceremony right after.

End the silence of the gagged!

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